Inserting Javascript into DOM

You can add remote scripts to your integration through the vendor file

The following example walks through how you can load a remotely hosted script into your integration. A great example of this technique is the official Google Maps integration.

To start you will need to add a vendor.js file to your integration config file.

javascript: [

Once you've updated your config, create the vendor.js file in the appropriate location. In our example, we will be including the google maps API which is hosted by Google. We will need to include an API Key which we have configured as an option on the integration. Since we are using integration options as part of our code, we will need to implement the logic inside the onSettingsChange method. This way, anytime the user updates their API key, we will be able to update the Google Maps API with the correct API Key value.

To start, we will declare a variable that will hold our API script object. In addition, we will register a function with the onSettingsChange hook which will call our function initGoogleMaps anytime the integration option values for the user change. The onSettingsChange method will always be called once when the integration first loads in the client.

'use strict';

//remember the script element we add so that we can remove it on apikey change
let googleMapsApiScript = null;

//load the google maps api script and add it to the head
function initGoogleMaps(integration, userConfig, userOptions) {



Next we'll need to implement our initGoogleMaps method. The first thing we'll do is remove any previous version of the API that might be present. We check to see if the googleMapApiScript variable has been previously set. If it has, we remove the script element that was set.

  //remove an already existing script tag
  if (googleMapsApiScript !== null) {

After ensuring that any previous script has been removed, we can add our script in. First we check to make sure the user has set an API Key option. If the option exists, we go ahead and insert our script into the head element of the web page and save the resulting element.

  if (typeof userOptions.apikey !== 'undefined' && userOptions.apikey.length > 0) {
    //add the google map script element to the head of the document
    let script = document.createElement('script');
    script.setAttribute('src', '' + userOptions.apikey);

    //remember the element
    googleMapsApiScript = script;

The vendor.js file is being run in the Overlay Window so adding a script to the head of the document will modify the HTML for the Overlay Window itself.

The final vendor.js file will look like this.

'use strict';

//remember the script element we add so that we can remove it on apikey change
let googleMapsApiScript = null;

//load the google maps api script and add it to the head
function initGoogleMaps(integration, userConfig, userOptions) {
  //remove and already existing script tag
  if (googleMapsApiScript !== null) {

  if (typeof userOptions.apikey !== 'undefined' && userOptions.apikey.length > 0) {
    //add the google map script element to the head of the document
    let script = document.createElement('script');
    script.setAttribute('src', '' + userOptions.apikey);

    //remember the element
    googleMapsApiScript = script;

// onSettingsChange is called once when the integration loads and then
// anytime the settings are changed

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