Aliased Properties

You can create aliases for properties to make them easier to reference.

As an example, the following is an alias for

'use strict';

polarity.export = PolarityComponent.extend({
    details: Ember.computed.alias('')

Once you have created an alias (in this case the alias details which refers to you can reference the property from your template or from within your component just as you would any other variable.

    {{details.stuff}} is the same as {{}}

You can also access details directly in your component file as well.

'use strict';

polarity.export = PolarityComponent.extend({
    details: Ember.computed.alias('')
    severityColor: Ember.computed('details', function(){
        // here we can access 'details' directly because of our alias
        // without the alias we would need to explicitly request
        // `'
        let severity = this.get('details.severity');
        return severity > 50 ? "red" : "green";

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