Vendor Javascript

Vendor files allow you to include third-party resources as part of your integration

Directory Location

├── vendor/
|    └── google.js


Vendor files are javascript files that are loaded alongside your integration. They can be used to inject third-party javascript libraries such as the google maps API.

You can specify vendor files by including them in the javascript property of the configuration.

When an integration is first started or reloaded, any javascript files specified by the javascript property in your config will be executed. This gives you an opportunity to load third party scripts.


optional | function




Function to be called when the user updates settings for the integration.

You can register a callback to the onSettingsChange event by passing a callback to the onSettingsChange method. This callback will be invoked anytime the user updates settings for the integration. The callback function being invoked will be passed three parameters.

callback(integration, userConfig, userOptions)

required | function




the integration object passed into the init function


a user configuration object which contains settings information for the integration


a user options object which contains the user's current option values for the integration


The integration variable contains all information about the integration including userOptions and userConfig.

// Sample integrations object
    "type": "wikipedia",
    "name": "",
    "onChangeCallbacks": [],
    "config": {
        "name": "Wikipedia",
        "acronym": "Wiki",
        "title": "Wikipedia",
        "block": {
            "component": {
                "file": "./components/block.js",
                "content": ""
            "template": {
                "file": "./template/block.hbs",
                "content": "",
                "compiled": ""
        "main": "./integration.js",
        "description": "Lookup pages in Wikipedia to find contextual information in summaries.",
        "version": "0.0.2",
        "private": true,
        "dependencies": {
            "request": "^2.75",
            "lodash": "^4.16",
            "async": "^2.0",
            "unirest": "^0.5.0"
        "javascript": []
    "userConfig": {},
    "userOptions": {},
    "uniqueId": 1486176346806,
    "summaryComponentName": "integrations/default-summary",
    "blockComponentName": "integrations/wikipedia-1486176346806-block"


The userConfig object contains information about the integration such as whether or not the user is subscribed, the color chosen by the user, and cache options for this integration.

// Sample userConfig object
  "description":"Lookup pages in Wikipedia to find contextual information in summaries.",


Contains the option values for the current user. For example, if you have an integration option called apiKey you could pass this apiKey to another API.

// Sample userOptions Object
  "apiKey": "klsjadio1j23oij3412oij4",
  "username": "ed",
  "lookupHashes": true

Options that are set to admin-only will not show up in the userOptions object as the user does not have access to these values on the client.


The following code provides an example of how you would setup your vendor.js file to take advantage of the onSettingsChange callback.

'use strict';

function init(integration, userConfig, userOptions){
    // load some files here

// This will be called when integration settings are changed
// including the first time the integration is loaded

If you want to run some javascript and ensure it runs only once, you can add a flag to indicate that the code has already run and then check the flag before running your code.

'use strict';

let hasRun = false;

function init(integration, userConfig, userOptions){
    hasRun = true;
    if(hasRun === false){
       // do something here and it will only run one time    

// This will be called when integration settings are changed
// including the first time the integration is loaded

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