Polarity Web Search

Polarity Web Search allows users to search for information when they login via a browser.

  1. Open your web browser of choice and use the address bar to enter your Polarity server's URL then hit Enter on your keyboard.

  2. This will take you to the sign in page for your Polarity server. Here you can enter your username and password or use SAML authentication to gain access if SAML has been configured by your Polarity admin.

To run a web search:

  1. Enter the desired entity into the Polarity search bar.

  2. Click on the green funnel shaped Toggle Filters icon to select the integrations that you want to run a search against.

  3. Once search parameters have been set hit Enter on your keyboard or click the Run Search icon.

By default, only the integrations that a user is subscribed to will be selected to be searched. (Indicated by the green check mark)

However, additional integrations can be searched by manually selecting them from the Toggle filters menu - even if the user is not subscribed to an integration.

As with subscribed integrations, to have results returned for integrations that a user is not not subscribed to, the integration will need to have been configured first.

Web Search Settings

From the Polarity Web Search landing page you can:

  1. Perform on-demand searches of entities.

  2. Navigate to the Subscriptions page where Integration and Channel settings can be configured.

  3. Export search results to CSV format.

  4. Navigate to Advanced Settings for Web Search (Note: Only Admins will se this option).

  5. Sign Out.

Web Search Subscriptions

Integration and Channel colors, settings and subscriptions can be edited on this page.

Exporting Web Search Results

Search results returned since the browser page was last refreshed can be exported as a CSV file. To do this:

  1. Run a search that returns results.

  2. Click the Export option from the Settings drop down menu.

  3. Access the automatically generated CSV file that can be found in your browser's downloads location.

Web Search Advanced Settings

From this page, users can perform the following actions:

  1. Configure, search for and subscribe to Channels.

    1. Create Annotations.

  2. Configure, search for and subscribe to Integrations.

  3. Explore Entity-Annotation pair data.

  4. Manage Team members (Admins Only)

  5. Perform Admin Tasks (Admins Only)

  6. Edit Server Configurations (Admins Only)

  7. Access the current user's profile.

Last updated