Explore Page
Here you can explore all Entities, Annotations, and Comments that are stored on your Polarity Server.
You will only be presented with data from channels that you have subscribed to. To search for different information, see Filtering Data.
On the Explore Page you can search and filter for Entities, Annotations, Users or Comments that you are interested in.
To perform a search:
Click in the search bar, type your search string,
Press enter or click on the magnifying glass button.
All searches are currently case insensitive.
Filtering Data
You can choose what types of data to search by clicking on the FILTER
button and selecting only those types of data you wish to search.
The Subscribed Channels filter is on by default.
You must click on the search button to refresh the search using your new filter selection.
Filter by Data Type
You can filter by the types of data you are most interested in.
To filter out Annotations, Comments, or Entities select the check box next to the ones you do not want to see
Filter by Channels
Subscribed Channels
All Channels
Specific Channels
If you select Specific Channels a drop down list will appear. Select the channels you wish to filter on.
Filter by Users
All Users
Your Data
Specific Users
If you select Specific Users a drop down list will appear. Select the channels you wish to filter on.
Navigating the Explore Page
Clicking on an Entity, Annotation, or Comment that you are interested in will open a second panel that will show additional relevant information.
If you click on an Entity, you will see all Annotations associated with that Entity.
If you click on an Annotation, you will see all Entities associated with that Annotation.
If you click on a Comment, you will see all Annotations associated with that Comment.
You can click on any of the Annotations or Entities in the second panel to view details about the Entity-Annotation pair you have selected. This opens up that Entity-Annotation pair in an accordion fashion revealing more information such as comments, votes etc. Within this panel you can up-vote or down-vote the Entity-Annotation pair, see who created the Entity-Annotation pair, and add comments.
Voting from the Explore Page
Polarity Entity-Annotation pairs can be voted on, providing useful feedback to users.
See Voting from the Overlay for more info.
Commenting from the Explore Page
If there is more information needed for an Entity-Annotation pair, you can leave a comment. Any user can leave comments on the Entity-Annotation pair.
Date of Information
When first applying the Entity-Annotation pair, you can set a date-of-information. This tells other users that the information has an expiration date associated with it.
A confidence score rating of high
or low
can also be applied to an Entity-Annotation pair based on how sure you are that the information is correct at the time of applying the annotation.
Ignoring Entities from the Explore Page
To ignore an entity from the Explore page:
Select an annotation or entity from the first panel of the Explore page.
In the second panel click on the
button.Click on
to ignore notifications for that particular entity. You can start notifications for the annotation or entity using the same process. Once ignored, you will no longer receive notifications for an ignored entity or annotation.
Both Entities and Annotations can also be ignored using the Ignore Manager. Entities can also be ignored from the Overlay Window.
Last updated